The Alphabet of Fruits and Vegetables in the Lake Chapala Area
In this article we are going to name fruits and vegetables through the alphabet that you can get in the Lake Chapala and Ajijic area. There are many places to buy these fruits and vegetables. You can go to the outdoor markets (like the Wednesday Market in Ajijic), or the indoor markets in the plazas. You can buy things off farmer’s trucks that park in different areas of the towns. You can even buy from the children walking around with little bags or plastic containers of various things. Or you can go to the grocery stores or vegetable and fruit stands.
- Tomatoes at the Wednesday Market
- Wednesday market furits, total $5 USD
Wherever you look, there are many fruits and vegetables available at reasonable prices. As an example, above is a photo of what I bought at the Wednesday market. The total cost was no more than five dollars.
We have almost every fruit and vegetable available in the lakeside area. We are going to start mentioning a whole list in alphabetical order throughout this article.
A. Apples, Apricots, Avocados
B. Beets, Blueberries, Bananas, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts.
C. Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Corn, Cilantro, Cherries, Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Cactus, Chayotes
The Ajijic Wednesday Market
The below picture is an example of a man selling “Chayotes” at the Wednesday market. Chayotes are local vegetables that actually grow in the area. There are many Chayote fields just before getting to the Raquet Club near San Juan Cosala. You can see them all over town and are usually steamed then served with many traditional Mexican meals.
Buying direct from the Farmer means big discounts.
Sometimes trucks come into town and you can buy directly from the farmer. These farmers tend to drive around town doing door to door deliveries for long time customers. Once they are finished doing their rounds, they will park in a crowded areas and offer their fruits or vegetables to the public at discount prices. You can actually buy at almost half price they would cost in Super Markets or stores such as Walmart, Super Lake and El Torito.
- Corn for Sale on Farmers Truck
- Selling Chayotes Market
D. Durian fruit
You either love Durian Fruit or hate it. The smell is so strong that some airlines won’t allow it on the planes. It smells something like old socks. It is very sweet. But it is a strong taste. It is creamy consistency.
E. Eggplant, Elephant Garlic
F. Fennel, Figs
G. Garbanzo Beans, Garlic, Guanabana, Grapefruit, Grapes, Cuava, Green Beans, Guavas
Farmer’s kids selling Vegetables and Berries:
There are several children that visit local markets, plazas and stores to offer Vegetables or Fruits at inexpensive prices. Some of these children have parents who are farmers or who work over at Driscoll’s in Jocotepec (Driscoll grows berries in Jocotepec). You can get a jar of raspberries for as little as $20 pesos (1.50 USD).
H. Huitlacoche, Honeydew Melon, Huazontle
J. Jack fruit, also known as Durian Fruit
K. Kumquat, Kale, Kiwi
L. Lettuce, Lyche, Limes
M. Mushrooms, Mangosteen, Monk’s Fruit, Mamey
N. Nuts, Nopali, Nectarines
O. Onions, Oranges
- Kid selling raspberries in Lake Chapala Society
- Lyche, below and Mamey in Chapala Mexico
The Chapala indoor market:
There are many indoor markets in the area. One of the most popular ones is the Chapala market. It is located right behind the Chapala plaza and is open every day of the week. You will find many vegetables and fruits there. They also offer an array of different stuff such as flowers, meat, cheese, creams….
P. Pinto Beans, Parsley, Potatoes, Pineapples, Papaya, Peppers, Peaches, Pears, Prickly Pear
Q. Quince
R. Radish, Red Peppers, Rambutan, Raspberries
S. Star fruit, Scallions, Squash Blossoms, Strawberries, Sweet Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Sprouts
T. Turnips, Tamarinds, Tomatoes, Tangerines
Lots of Strawberries, peaches, Grapes…
As mentioned before, we have a local fruit producer in Jocotepec called Driscoll’s. You will find many independent vendors offering strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and others types all over town. Most of them will be at the Wednesday market, while other comes to you in public places such as restaurant’s or in front of supermarkets. Going to Jocotepec directly can mean huge discounts if you are looking for raspberries or blueberries. I have seen people come back with a whole bucket full and they paid $50 pesos for it (less that 5 USD).
- Indoor Market in Chapala
- Strawberries, Peaches, Grapes at the Ajijic Market
Tomatoes, Potatoes Broccoli always fresh
Most of the vegetables mentioned can be easily found all over Ajijic and Chapala. The most common ones can always be found at all convenient stores, super markets and even small in house stores. They sell by the kilo and most stores have their own scales where you can pick as much as you want, weight it out and bring it to the cashier for payment.
U. Uchuva, Ugli-fruit, Ulluco, Urband Bean
V. Verdolaga,
W. Watermelon, Watercress
X. Xigua (A Chinese name for Watermelon. Can’t find any other X. fruits or Vegetables so this one will have to do)
Y. Yellow Squash, Yellow Peppers
Z. Zucchini, Zopote
As you can see there are tons of veggies and fruits Lakeside. You will have no problem find the favorites you are used to back at home and better yet, they are much less expensive than up north. You can buy a whole weeks supply for a few dollars buying directly from farmers or at local markets.
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By, Evelyn Walker