We Don’t List it, We Sell it!!! YOU’LL SEE RESULTS.
There is a reason that Access Lake Chapala Real Estate has one of the largest selection of homes in the Lake Chapala market, we provide RESULTS!!!!!! We are committed to selling your home and orientating you on the process of selling your property from start to finish. We don’t just list your house on the market and hope it sells, we SELL it and we have the results to back it up!!
Access knows the Ajijic Real Estate market better than anyone and implements the best marketing strategies to get your house SOLD. We are the market pioneers in Lake Chapala, and have been since 2010 by introducing “must have” Real Estate marketing strategies such as Virtual walk through videos, Aerial videos, wide angel photography and a Rock Start website! Other Real Estate offices followed suit after seeing this unique approach, which have now turned into a market standard for Real Estate in Lake Chapala. How do we prove it? Just check out our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/accesschapala/ where you will see we have uploaded home videos & aerials since 2010 vs. other offices that started 2-3 years after us.
STEP 1 – Personalized Home Strategy | The correct strategy for your property
We are well aware of the challenges and different approaches that need to be taken when putting a house on the market to end up with the final result of getting it SOLD. Our Broker, Manager, Agents and support staff work, sleep and breath Real Estate, they are trained to work with you to come up with the best course of action, based on your unique circumstances.
But what really makes us different than all the others? It’s the caliber of our management team. We are industry-leading Real Estate professionals that are constantly changing market trends. For you the SELLER, this translates to results you can count on.
Step 2 – Opinion of Value | Pricing the Home Correctly
Not pricing your home correctly can be the biggest mistake you make when initially introducing your property to the market. Pricing it properly is bar none the most important factor, this is why we show you the actual value of your home and price it in ranges where it can sell by giving you a FREE opinion of value using comparable properties that allow us to give a precise market price. Our agents avoid giving in to the desire to say what will make SELLERS happy just to attract business. Our agents will price each home using their training, understanding of the market and comparable sales
Step 3 – Capital Gains Tax | We check if you have to pay tax or not.
Our management team speaks fluent Spanish and are experienced in reading deeds to be able to interpret what you paid for your property, so we know IF you will have to pay a capital gains tax or if you qualify for being EXEMPT of paying this tax. Capital gains tax (known as “Impuesto Sobre La Renta ISR”) and in Mexico Notaries (lawyers that are federally appointed) calculate the ISR Tax based on if you made a profit once you sold the property. We use the same program Notaries do to determine if there is any ISR tax. If there is a ISR Tax to be paid we have proven strategies to lower it by sticking to Mexican law.
Step 4 – Preparing your Property | We prep your home for the Market.
Did you know that preparing a property and making minor maintenance improvements increases the chances of your house SELLING quicker? Our agents have viewed thousands of properties, they know what needs to be done and assist you in pointing out the things that need to be addressed and maintained so your home is in optimal showing condition. This truly sets you apart from the completion and makes a huge difference between a quick sale and a timely long process for getting it sold.
Step 5 – Marketing your Property | We Market The Heck Out of it.
Marketing is the part we are well known for. From taking great pictures of the property to making a video that lets the user walk right into your home and see the way it is laid out, we do it all!!! The videos & photography of your home is absolutely one of the most essential factors in attracting buyers. We can tell you firsthand how appealing it can be seeing professional pictures of your home, our web user’s fall in love with seeing them vs. seeing pictures from an agent that takes home pictures with their phone. The internet will be where BUYERS first look for their homes. If your properties pictures are not up to par, it will not be noticed by potential buyers and will lose traffic.
Marketing at Access is top-notch, and we understand how crucial marketing is, so check out some of the strategies we apply below:
- Multiple Listing Services (MLS) – We are affiliated with the CAR (Chapala Association of Realtors) and list all our properties on the local MLS platform Chapalamls.net where your property gets shown by all Lakeside broker offices and agents.
- Social Media –. We use social media strategically and are on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and our very popular blog. We have many followers who actively engage in our posts.
- Email Database –. We have a huge database of subscribers that date back to 2010. We communicate new listings and relative information to our subscribers, including our listing alerts that send out automatic emails when a new property is posted.
- Professional Photography – We take some incredible pictures. We use professional camera equipment that takes impressive and produces a series of beautiful, high quality images to tell the story of your home.
- Walk Through Video Tours – Our walkthrough video tours are famous, ask YouTube and our subscribers. We have thousands of videos on our YouTube channel and thousands of subscribers, we are known for our great videos and each of our listings gets a personalized one.
- Aerial Videos – We were the pioneers and the first to take Aerial videos for Real Estate in the Lakeside area and use sophisticated Drones to take the best videos of your property. Check our YouTube channel for examples of some amazing shots we have already done.
- Local Print Advertising – We advertise in local print and Real Estate magazines to get the maximum exposure for your home. Each month we work on different adds to attract buyers into checking out our properties.
- Signs We make sure your property has a sign on it that stands out and lets everyone know you are for sale, especially people driving by. Our For Sale signs stand out from the rest and jump out at you.
- Open houses – We hold open houses regularly to attract BUYRES to your home. We request feedback from BUYERS to be able to communicate what they thought to our SELLERS. We also add your property into the MLS Caravans to get maximum exposure and let other agents see what your property has to offer.
Step 6 – Access Website | We have the BEST website Lakeside, hands down.
In today’s market 98% of BUYERS take their first look at your home through a website and ours is the most highly ranked website in Lake Chapala. Go check for yourself and type in “Lake Chapala” or Lake Chapala Mexico” in search engines, you will see we are always positioned in the first page results! This opens up the opportunity to showcase your property that is on the market FIRST to everyone who types in Lake Chapala.
More people visit Accesslakechapala.com than any other Real Estate website in the Lakeside area. We average more traffic than our competitors. We drive buyers to your property through as many channels as currently possible, this in result leads to the best web exposure for your home. But why is your Real Estate website the most popular? Simple, we love where we live and are thankful every day to be living here, this is what we show others. So on our website we don’t just sell Real Estate, we first sell the user the Lake Chapala area, by showing them how magical it is here through videos, pictures and blog posts of events, traditions, and everyday life here. You can tell by simply looking at the time and effort we have invested into our web presence that we are passionate about what we do.

Step 7 – Our Home Tours | We do allot of tours
We provide detailed tours that guide first time visitors through the communities around Lakeside. We start of in Chapala, drive towards Ajijic and end in San Juan Cosala, in which we cover most of the areas highlights as well as different properties throughout the villages. We show them homes for sale they pick from the ChapalaMLS and/or our website. We go visit the homes selected and give useful information on the different Lakeside towns such as: pros-cons of the area, good restaurants, activities, local events, contacts and more. We guide them regarding banking, transportation (legalizing or buying a car), paying utilities (electric, phone, internet), moving belongings and more. This establishes an initial contact with the BUYER, allowing us to get the most exposure and qualified buyer for your home.

Step 8 – Communicate properly | We let you know what’s going on
A SELLER needs to obtain feedback from their agent and to know what is going on with the sale of their property. All our agents make sure to communicate with our SELLERS regarding the progress of the sale, such as providing feedback, comments from potential buyers, agents, open house outcome and about anything else that may concern them. Our agent’s return phone calls or emails within hours unless they are already with another client. Even if there are no offers, keeping in touch is important for us and there is no excuse for poor communication.
Step 9 – Our Staff | we are here to help
We take pride in having one of the best support staff that answer your questions and addresses your concern’s from start to finish. As soon as we take on a listing one of our bilingual team members will be in touch with you regarding the paperwork needed to list. Once we get an accepted offer on your home, that same person will be with you every step of the way, walking you through the closing process.
Step 10 – Getting an Offer | We make sure to get an offer
Everything in Real Estate offers can be negotiated, our agents don’t hesitate to counteroffer with a price that is more favorable to our client. We make sure to fight for the best possible offer on your property, we go out of our way to negotiate the best possible outcome. We prefer to keep our SELLERS happy and instruct our agents not to get distracted by what they might earn out of the sale but to make sure you the SELLER get the most out of the sale. We prefer to make a long term client that will refers other to us, than to make a forced sale and a quick buck. Once we have a favorable offer that our client accepts, we coordinate receiving proof of the 10% earnest money and once we confirm it is in escrow we mark your property UNDER CONTRACT and get started prepping for closing where we make sure everything goes smoothly.
Step 11 – Prepare for Closing | We take care of everything
Once you are done celebrating that your house has gone “UNDER CONTRACT” we get started on all the hard work that follows. There are so many little details that must be taken care of, which is why it is important to have a Real Estate office such as ours, along with our support staff to handle everything for you. We keep you posted on every step of the way and go with you to the Notary for the final signatures. We have compiled a list of processes we go through while closing so you can rest assure we take care of everything for you.
- We provide you with proof of the 10% earnest money and a copy of your signed offer by all parties for your records.
- We inform you on which Notary (lawyers that are federally appointed) will be used for closing (buyers choose their Notary in Mexico).
- We have worked with all Notaries and depending on which one is selected by the buyer, we start the process of working with them by delivering all paperwork needed on your property and confirming whether you exempt Capital gains (ISR income tax). If there is a tax to be paid we work diligently with the Notary to get the best possible rate according to Mexican law.
- We do the “finiquito” (severance) calculations for your maid/gardener and work with you to confirm the amount is correct. We calculate all severances based on Mexican law and make sure your maid/gardener signs their severance. We also ask the new Buyers if they want to keep them working for the property once they are the new owners.
- We generate closing statements for our SELLERS that clearly shows you the exact amount you will get for your property the day of the closing
- We generate formats where the SELLER signs over the CFE electric bills, TELMEX phone bill and SIMAPA water bill to the new buyer. This assures you that the utility bills will be out of your name once you do not own the house.
- If your house is in an HOA we get in touch with the board, requesting the no debt letter needed for closing.
- At closing we confirm and read the deed to make sure all info is correct, before both parties sign the deed. Once signed we process the payment for your property and deposit into the account instructed by you the SELLER.
Finalize Loose Ends after Closing
Our work does not just stop the day of the closing. We get back to work right after your house is sold by making sure all paperwork gets filed swiftly and most importantly that all the utilities are correctly switched over to the new buyer’s, so that your name is not left on the utility bills. Additionally, if you exempted the ISR Capital gains income tax, there is a filling that needs to be done at the beginning of the next fiscal year notifying the Mexican tax officials that you used your exemption. We work with you and provide you with information for our accountant that can handle this one time filing for you.
Final Thoughts
In summary, Access Lake Chapala Real Estate is committed to getting your house SOLD and walking you through the process step by step. The following traits are the most important things that separate us from our competition:
- Professionalism.
- We have excellent communication skills
- We are strong negotiators
- Honesty above all else. We put your needs before our own
- Creative marketers and innovators
- Exceptional company and personal reputation
- Experience and proven results
- We Sell homes and do not just List them.
Sell your house with us today!
The next “SOLD” sign could be yours, contact us today and we’ll get started! If you’ve worked with us before, you know what to do. If you haven’t, fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you right away to talk about your needs for selling your property.