Have you ever thought about getting involved with the theater? Well, here is your opportunity. The Lakeside Little Theatre is in need of volunteers to get involved in all aspects of production, from acting to set design and all things in between. Artists are needed to do the set designs.
It is located in San Antonio, in between Ajijic and Lake Chapala, off Allen W. Lloyd Drive. It is just a block up the hill on the mountainside of the carretera. It is on the same street as the gated community, El Parque.
There are only a hundred and twelve seats in the theater and many times the shows are sold out. It is always a good idea to buy your tickets in advance. You can buy a season ticket for a thousand pesos or just one at a time for two hundred pesos.
There are six plays in a season. There are nine performances, one a day. There is a matinee on Sunday for people who don’t like to go out at night. The matinee is always at three p.m. and the evening performances are at seven thirty p.m. The exception is with Musicals. They always have two extra performances.
Season ticket holders can give their tickets to others if they aren’t going to a particular performance. The box office opens one hour before the show and is open from ten am to noon Thursday, Friday and Saturday prior to the Opening Night and everyday except Sundays during the run of the show until the tickets are sold out.
The Little Theater is nonprofit and is run by volunteers. It takes many people to put on a show. Sometimes there is a crew of thirty people involved in a show, not counting the actors. There are at least fifty volunteers needed to keep the little theater running.
If you want to participate in any capacity in the theater, you can become a member for only a hundred pesos. That allows you the opportunity to participate as a cast or crew member and as a member of the LLT staff. You can participate in the election of LLT officers, and vote on issues involving the operation of the theater and also you can go to the Kick-off party. Any members who have volunteered in any capacity during the season are invited to the closing Applause Party.
There are also workshops and seminars at the little theater. They are free to members. There is going to be a workshop on being a house manager. It will be free to members. People who take the workshop will then be qualified to help out in this capacity.
The Little Theater is Mexico’s oldest English language theater. It was founded in 1965. They opened the current building in 1987. The first play was The Saddle Bag Saloon created by Betty Kuzell. The price of a ticket was a hundred pesos. Anya Flesh directed many plays. Unfortunately, she passed away in the middle of the last play that she was working on.
Throughout the years, they have had various fundraisers to pay for the theater. There is a Wall of Stars, which has plaques with names of people who have donated a hundred dollars to the theater.
There is also Wall of Haloes with names of people who have made a large donation and there are even plaques on the back of the theater seat with the name of a person who donated money. The theater is always in need of donations. Please help.
I was there for the audition of the first performance of this season. It is titled, The Kitchen Witches. It will open on October first and runs through the ninth of October. Rehearsals start on August first.

Win McIntosh is the production manager. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, please call her at: 766-3256. Or email her at: DaveWin@shaw.com

Dave McIntosh will direct another play this season titled How The Other Half Loves.

Georgette Richard graciously spent her time giving me facts about the Little Theater. She is a past president. She was also auditioning for a part in The Kitchen Witches. Pat Carroll is now the president.
I was told that there are no bad seats in the theater. Every seat has a good view of the stage and also has good sound.
Plays and Directors for Season 47, 2011-2012
1. The Kitchen Witches by Caroline Smith, Directed by Roger Tredway, October 1-9
2. No Clue? – The Stage Play adapted for the stage by Anne O’Neemuss from Jonathan Lynn’s screenplay. Directed by Roseanne Wilshere November 5 – 13
3. Greetings! By Tom Dudzick, Directed by Peggy Lord Chilton December 10 – 18
4. How the Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourne. Directed by Dave McIntosh, January 14 – 15
5. Chicago by Kander, Egg & Fosse, Directed by Barbara Clippinger, Choreographed by Alexis Hoff, February 25 – March 6, 2012
6. Sex Please We’re Sixty by Michael & Susan Parker Directed by Larry King April 7 – 15, 2012

There is a beautiful outside patio where people can sit and enjoy drinks and conversation an hour before the play and in the intermissions. There is also a bar.
When I went to the audition I was expecting to feel threatened by the theater people. I never felt comfortable with the kinds of people who are attracted the theater, big egos. But this wasn’t the case at all. Everyone was warm and friendly to me and I felt at home. If I weren’t so busy writing, I would even consider volunteering in some capacity. It was a surprising and fun morning for me.

If you want to know more about the area, we are here to help. You can contact me in the comments below and either I or one of the Access team members will be glad to help you and answer questions.
Fore more information on the Lakeside Little Theatre please visit: http://www.lakesidelittletheatre.com/