Mirasol (in Riberas del Pilar) is on the lakeside of the Carretera between Chapala (also San Antonio Tlayacapan) and Ajijic. Chula Vista is a little west of Mirasol and on the mountainside of the Carretera. Mirasol is a conglomeration of a pristine planned community and older homes next to empty lots.

I had never ventured to this part of the lakeside area before now. Every area here has a different atmosphere and personality. One of the things I dislike about the U.S.A. is how homogenized the towns have become. Big box stores and chain restaurants have taken over the shopping centers. You could be in any town, large or small and it would seem like thousands of other towns. Food in the restaurants all tastes the same.

There are similarities here but much less than north of the border. Just walk from San Antonio to the Mirasol area and you will see a big difference in the surroundings. For one thing, the streets in Mirasol are wider than in other areas and they are not cobblestone, but cement bricks. The road right outside of Mirasol and running to the shore is dirt. Several dirt roads branch out from it.

That makes walking much easier and it would be easier on the cars except for the speed bumps. There are many in this area and they are high. Mexicans call these Topes. It is an excellent way to keep the traffic moving slowly. You either slow down or ruin your car.

There are many varieties of homes here from small bungalows to mansions. The streets are lined with trees. Many of the houses have beautiful gardens. There isn’t much traffic and so far I haven’t heard any gas or water trucks coming down the street, blaring out their presence. No one has come to my gate trying to sell me things or get a handout of money. I get that all the time in my casita in La Floresta.
La Floresta is a larger and more expensive area than here. Homes are far more extravagant in La Floresta. There are quite a few homes for sale in this neighborhood. I haven’t looked up the prices. I can’t afford to buy anything here. I just rent and house sit. That is good enough for me. I also get to live in many different places that way. I am a restless person and don’t like to be tied down.
I am living about five blocks down from the Carretera. It is an easy walk up to the stores and bus stop. I enjoy looking at all the flowers here. Some of the trees are already blooming.

Many of the homes are painted bright colors.

There is a pool in the yard where I am house sitting but it isn’t heated. It is about 65 degrees. That is too cold for me. I found an indoor pool not far from this area. It is on the Carretera on the way to Chapala. I can easily walk up to the Carretera and take the bus to it. The price is reasonable.

It is 500 pesos for a membership fee for one person for a year. For two people it is 900 pesos a year. It is more for a family. On top of the yearly fee there is a monthly fee. For one person to swim two days a week the cost is ($30 USD)$350 pesos a month. To swim three days a week it is ($40) 450 pesos and 6 days a week it is ($60) 650 pesos. The cost is higher depending on the number of people swimming and the number of days a week. If you want to try it out, the cost is $100 pesos and if you join, that amount is taken off the cost of the yearly fee. The free swimming is in the mornings. After two in the afternoons are classes for children. When you join, they like you to pick a day and hour you want to come each time. Sounds like a good deal. I don’t know if I could be that organized to pick a time and a day to go. (I rarely know what I will be doing even one day in advance.) But it is a nice place and very clean. You just have to be able to stick to a schedule.

They have changing rooms and lockers. The pool is heated to 85 degrees. I don’t know of any other pools in this area unless they are private pools that are heated like that. I can’t stand to swim in cold water.
The location is Ave. Hidalgo #223 Carretetera Riberas del Pilar Phone (376) 765 4060 It is next to Bubba’s Restaurant.

I had Thanksgiving lunch at Bubbas and it is a good restaurant. If you swim off a couple of hundred calories and work up an appetite you can have a delicious BBQ lunch at Bubbas. Put those calories right back on.
Yesterday I took a long walk along the Carretera and that is how I noticed the pool. I will write another article about my walk and all the interesting places I discovered.