March 30th 2013
Semana Santa and Semana Pascua, translates into “Holy Week” (Starts on Palm Sunday until Easter Saturday) and “Easter Week”. They are both very celebrated holidays in Mexico, especially Semana Santa, since the Lake Chapala region and Mexico in general is predominantly a Catholic society.
The Holy Week celebrates the last few days of the life of Jesus Christ. Many towns in Mexico re-create the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Stations of the Cross). In the Lake Chapala Region the different towns around the municipality of Chapala, host their own “Vacrucis”, most popular and well organized ones include Ajijic and San Antonio Tlayacapan. Here is a photoset of the Viacrucis that took place in Ajijic on march 30th 2013:
Read more about the Viacrucis here:
Go back to the Picture Gallery
- The 2013 Ajijic Viacrucis 2013
- Streets of Ajijic during Viacrucis 2013
- Ajijic Cobblestone streets Viacrucis
- Kids participate in the Viacrucis Ajijic
- Walking in Ajijic Viacrucis
- Viacrucis Ajijic 2013