February 23th 2013
Every year since 1978 the Chili Cook of in Lake Chapala has been a very popular event. Contestants from all over town come to see if their chili gets voted as the best Chili in Ajijic. This year it is anniversary number 35 for the cook off, thousands of visitors were present. Many vendors from all over town participate to introduce their service or product, musical groups come to play on the center stage, prizes are given to lucky raffle winners and artists participate by showing their latest creations. The smell of chili dogs and hamburgers cannot be missed while walking through the event, and a cold beer takes care of the heat on a perfectly Sunday day. Here is this years set of pictures and a video walk through of the whole event:
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- Fireworks for the 35th anniversary
- Raffle Ticket Seller
- Duck Ticket Seller
- Craft Booths
- Black Pottery Booth
- End of the Parade
- Dave Paterson, President of Chili Cook Off
- Joaquin Huerta, Mayor of Chapala
- Eating Area
- Carol Bedford and Jerry Mayfield
- The Shriners
- A Volunteer at Chili Cook off
- The Beverage Stand
- Hot Dog Stand
- Woman with Crazy Sunglasses
- Chili Cook Off Ribs
- Dancers
- Artist Ajijic Federico
- Red Cross Blood Pressure Check
- Hair cutting Booth
- Pedicure Booth
- Chilli Tasting Ticket Booth
- Chilli Tasting Booth
- Woman selling Chocolate Candy
- Artist, John McWilliams
- Car Show
- People Resting by the Waterfall
- Cooks at Chili Tasting
- Cook at Chili Tasting
- Cooks at Chili Tasting
- Tree Sculptures
- Health Insurance Salesman
- Woman Selling handmade Rug
- Dancers